
In defense of JOY

My word for 2019… JOY!

That is it. I don’t choose my word of the year lightly. In fact, I think
about it on and off for a few months, asking, “What do I need right
now? It is time for... what?” Joy. I am finding it funny and a little
perplexing that I am feeling defensive about this choice.

While trying to decide on a word, JOY was popping up every-
where last week. A lovely lady named Mary at Target was in a bulls-
eye t-shirt screen-printed “joy." A huge billboard in Minneapolis
said, “FEEL THE JOY, SELL YOUR HOUSE AS IS.” Even though
cynicism about joy may have a connection to the manipulation of
advertising, I was delighted when the word JOY popped up in well-
designed places. Then, I kid you not, as a gift last week, my sister-
in-law gave me a refrigerator magnet that literally says "Choose Joy."
So, I did!

Joy is the opposite of my least favorite words: greed, hate, shame,
hopelessness, fear, cynicism, and despair. Yet, JOY is such a simple
word, all too often overlooked. (Joy, really? What am I, 12? Maybe
My word of the year should be Glitter! Or, Juicy! But, for the record,
12-year-olds are some of the wisest people I know, who bring me
joy in teaching.)

Joy is an antidote. There are serious problems and suffering in the
world. The opposite of joy (see list above) seems to cause more
suffering. Yet, why am I cynical about joy? Pure JOY, not based on
material stuff, is so simple in this over-complicated, overstuffed life.
Seeing joy in others is a huge source of hope and inspiration, but we
hesitate to truly embrace it. Brene' Brown (really, I do read other
authors too) said, “When we lose our tolerance for vulnerability, joy
becomes foreboding.” In other words, we don't want to lose what
gives us joy, so we imagine losing it during the height of joy.
What is wrong with us? For instance, I’m grateful for joyful family
time during Christmas, joy so intense while singing 'Joy to the
World' I went from joyful-bursty-heart to heavy-I-don't-want-
anything-bad-to happen-to-these-people and back to bursty again
in 5 seconds flat.

So, I guess to truly embrace joy, you must be vulnerable. More
joy (and vulnerability) coming up. We all deserve it!


Word of the Year: Connection

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people 

when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give 

and receive without judgment; and when they derive 

sustenance and strength from the relationship." 

― Brené Brown

By the end of the year, 'my word' often feels prophetic, sometimes it
takes on a totally different meaning than originally intended. So far
this year, CONNECTION has multiple meanings: connections to other
artists, friends & family; connecting my art to reproducible design for
the RockFarm label; and getting closer to connecting to my purpose.
More about purpose later.

I have been asking myself lately, when do I feel most connected to 
others, and myself?
  1. When I spend time in person with someone, not looking at my phone
  2. When I make plans, and then follow through with plans to get together with people
  3. When I don't allow stress to prevent me from time to relax and enjoy the company of others
  4. When I listen to what people are saying, and not get distracted
  5. When I ask for help, or share what is happening with me
  6. When I feel appreciated, and show appreciation for others
  7. When I follow through with things that I know are good for me
  8. When I remember and follow through with things for others


Connection, my 2018 word

For five years, I have been choosing a word of the year.
Two years ago I said this:
Choosing one word isn't an easy task, yet that is what I assign myself
to do every year, now. BRAVE in 2014, COLOR in 2015. This one large
word/idea, like a block of basswood, begins the new year with a promise.
If I work at it with both wild abandon and careful hewning, something 
from within will be set free.

Then, came FREEDOM in 2015, and CURIOSITY in 2017.
In 2018, it is CONNECTION.

In 2014, a little tongue-in-cheek, I started choosing a word 
for the year. It felt cheesy, but making resolutions 
has always felt like instant failure to me. I was skeptical 
of the word of the year thing, too. Wouldn't I forget 
about it? How could it make a difference in my life and 
art? And, it has made a difference. Words have power, and 
well, words and images are power x power! 

What is art but connecting the seemingly unconnected into 
something new? Stay tuned. More connections in the works.